Outdoor Marketing strategies

Outdoor marketing is a great way to reach your audience. It's affordable, effective, and allows you to build relationships with people in a way that can't be replicated by other forms of marketing.

Outdoor Marketing strategies
Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 / Unsplash

Outdoor marketing is a great way to reach your audience. It's affordable, effective, and allows you to build relationships with people in a way that can't be replicated by other forms of marketing.

The best part about outdoor marketing is that there are so many different ways for you to make it work for your business. But before we get into all the different things you can do with outdoor advertising.

Make sure your message speaks to your audience

  • Who is your audience? Do you know what types of people will be interested in your product or service? Once you've identified your target audience, consider the following questions:
  • What is the desired result from your marketing strategy? For example, if you're a landscaping company, do you want to get more leads or close more sales by strategically advertising in certain locations near busy intersections and office buildings. If so, where would those locations be and how much money are they going to cost per day/hour/week/month?
  • What message should we communicate? How do we communicate our message as effectively as possible in order to reach our target market effectively while also remaining true to who we are as an organization at the same time.

Keep it simple

It can be tempting to use complicated words and designs to make your outdoor marketing stand out, but the best way to reach your customers is with something simple.

When designing an outdoor ad, keep it clear and concise. Use a simple message that is easy for people who are driving by to read quickly. Choose designs with large text so drivers will see them from far away, or use bold colors or fonts that stand out against their surroundings. Don't overwhelm your audience by trying to cram too much information into one sign or flyer; instead, focus on one main point that you want customers to remember about your business and stick with it throughout everything else in the design (e.g., color scheme). Finally, try using images of real people rather than generic stock photos—this makes ads feel more personal and relatable!

Highlight your brand

In order to stand out, it's important that your brand be visible. Make sure that your logo is clear and prominent across all marketing collateral. Your name should be easily readable as well so people can understand who you are and what you do quickly. Your colours should be visible enough for people to notice them when they're walking by, but not so bright that they distract from your message or get in the way of passersby reading it.

Adding an image or logo allows viewers to instantly recognize a company or organization when they see it anywhere—not just on a billboard! This is particularly helpful if there are multiple organizations offering similar services in the same area (e.g., museums). In this case having an identifiable symbol makes it easy for customers to find their preferred service provider without wasting time searching through menus on websites looking up contact information each time they need something new; instead they'll grab their phone and look up one simple picture stored inside its memory banks."

Tell people what you do in a simple way

Here are some tips for making your message clear and memorable:

  • Keep it simple. Use language that a first grader can understand.
  • Choose images that show what you do easily and simply.
  • Make sure the font is large enough to read from where people will be standing.

Don't forget to call to action

Don't forget to call to action

Outdoor marketing strategies are a great way to get your brand noticed in a crowded marketplace, but it’s important that you don’t neglect the call-to-action aspect of your campaign. A strong, clear call-to-action can help convince consumers that they should take an action, like buying or signing up for something. Make sure the call to action stands out on its own and isn't buried under other elements in the design or layout of your signage or other ads. You want people who see it walking by outside—or even inside if you're advertising an event—to think: "I want this." If you're not sure what kinds of things might make them take immediate action without having more information about what you're selling first (like with online shopping), ask yourself which ads caused people closest friends/family members took some type of action?

You should also consider whether the individuals who live near where these signs are placed are likely customers since location targeting will be more effective for businesses outside urban centers where there's more foot traffic throughout year round rather than just during tourist season when companies on Main Street might benefit from knowing exactly what kind locations have been converted into pop-up shops filled with holiday themed merchandise from local vendors such as crafts made at home using time honored traditions passed down through generations such as sewing quilts together using scraps left over after making clothes back then before sewing machines were invented which allowed faster production but still required hand stitching until machines were developed entirely outfitted with needles which allowed faster production speed while reducing labor costs associated with doing everything by hand including glueing paper together then pressing pieces together into books containing stories written by authors who used pen/paper because typewriters didn't exist yet when printers weren't invented until later on down road paved

There are many things you can be doing in outdoor marketing.

There are many things you can be doing in outdoor marketing. The most common ones are:

  • Signage
  • Billboards
  • Street banners
  • Posters
  • Flyers and handbills

Depending on the business, these types of marketing may or may not work for you. If they do, great! If they don't, try something else that's more suited to your business type and audience.


Outdoor marketing is a great way to reach your audience. It’s also fun and easy to do! Make sure that you are reaching the right people and telling them about your brand in a way that makes sense for them.