What's a Vintage Logo and Should You Use This Style?

If you aren't sure what a vintage logo is, we'll first give a quick definition. Then, we'll look at the history of this style and why it might be a good choice for your brand and business.

What's a Vintage Logo and Should You Use This Style?
Photo by Namroud Gorguis / Unsplash

Vintage logos can be an excellent way to show your brand's heritage and build trust with an audience that appreciates that heritage.

If you aren't sure what a vintage logo is, we'll first give a quick definition. Then, we'll look at the history of this style and why it might be a good choice for your brand and business.

A vintage logo is a throwback to a past era, whether it's the early 1900s or the 1960s. While some might think that this style is outdated and no longer relevant, many companies have seen success with using this type of design for their logos.

What Does Vintage Mean?

Vintage refers to old things, specifically those that have been used for a long time. It's often used in conjunction with other words, such as "vintage car" or "vintage clothing", which can help clarify what kind of thing you're talking about. For example:

  • You might find something at a thrift store and say it looks "vintage." This means it's something from the past (like an old sweater) that has been worn out or passed down from generation to generation.
  • If your outfit is made up of pieces from different decades, then you might describe it as having a vintage aesthetic or look—meaning that all the components are from different eras but work together harmoniously anyway!

The Concept of Nostalgia and a Distinctive Feeling of Time Passed

  • Nostalgia is a longing for the past. We often associate nostalgia with feelings of sadness and loss, such as when we think back to childhood or miss our old friends from college.
  • Nostalgia can also be traced back to time passed, as in a distinct period of history. In terms of logo design, this refers to logos that look like they're from an earlier era than now.

As you can see, there's no hard-and-fast definition for what makes an effective vintage logo; it all depends on who's viewing your brand image and how they react to it!

  • A vintage logo is a great way to show your brand's heritage. By using a vintage logo, you can show off your brand's history and set itself apart from competitors.
  • A vintage logo is a great way to build trust with an audience that appreciates that heritage. We've all heard the saying "You only get one chance to make a first impression," and it couldn't be more true when it comes to logos. When someone sees an old-fashioned logo such as one made in Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW, they automatically assume that you're more reliable than anyone else who has recently debuted as competition. Why? Because people want to know what they're getting into before they commit themselves—and this method lets them do just that by showing off how long you've been around for!

Better Business.

Vintage logos have been around since the beginning of branding—think Coca-Cola or McDonald's. But they've become more popular in recent years as marketing becomes more visual and companies try to make their brands stand out from the rest by creating something unique.

Retro Logos as an Artistic Movement.

Retro logos are a reaction to the over-saturation of modern design.

A lot of people, myself included, are sick of seeing Helvetica used for everything from hospitals to bike shops. In contrast to that, retro logos have a more playful and nostalgic feel.

They're not perfect, but they can be fun if you're looking for something different than what you see in most stores today.

A Modern Take on the Classic Style.

If you're looking for a modern take on the classic style, there's no need to reinvent the wheel. With just a few minor tweaks, you can create a vintage-inspired logo that feels modern and fresh. First of all, ditch that serif font! A script or sans-serif font with thin strokes will allow your logo design to be read clearly at smaller sizes (like social media thumbnails). You can still use some texture in the form of brush strokes or flourishes—just make sure they're subtle enough not to overpower the words themselves.

If you need help creating this kind of logo design, don't hesitate: reach out via our contact form or give us a call.

Vintage logos can be an excellent way to show your brand's heritage and build trust with an audience that appreciates that heritage. A vintage logo can fit in perfectly with a modern design, especially if you want to create a look that's fresh, but has some vintage elements.

Here are some tips for using this style:

  • Create a unique brand story. If you used an existing font or symbol, it might not make sense for someone who doesn't know your history or why you chose it in the first place. Make sure there's enough information about your company in each piece of content so people can understand what makes it special!


If your brand history is an important part of its identity, choosing a vintage logo can be a great way to market your brand.

If you want to give it a try, keep in mind that you don't have to stick with the classic yellow-and-black color palette or generic designs, get creative and use vibrant colors for a modern look!