What Does Your Ice Cream Shop Logo Need to Have?

Color is important, but it’s not the first thing people will notice. Your logo needs to stand out in more ways than just color

What Does Your Ice Cream Shop Logo Need to Have?
Photo by Courtney Cook / Unsplash

Your logo should stand out with color.

Color is important, but it’s not the first thing people will notice. Your logo needs to stand out in more ways than just color. There are plenty of other ways to make your logo look like a brand and like a product. Here are some ideas:

  • Use an icon that instantly makes people think of ice cream (like an ice cream cone).
  • Use a font that looks like handwriting (such as cursive), which makes it look personal and friendly.
  • Make sure the text isn’t too small or hard to read at all sizes — this goes for any text on your business card or website as well!

Your logo should be simple and easy to remember.

A good logo should be simple and easy to remember. If people have trouble remembering your logo, you will lose business.

The best logos are simple, bold and unique. They also have fun shapes or colors that catch people’s attention. And they should be memorable so you can easily recall them when you need them in the future (like when someone asks about your business).

Your logo should be flexible.

Your logo should not only be eye-catching, but it should also be flexible. This means that it has to be able to work with different types of materials, in different situations and at different sizes.

You want your logo to look good on the side of your ice cream truck or storefront, but you also want it to look good on the side of a t-shirt or other promotional piece. You may need it to fit onto a sticky note so you can hand them out at summer festivals!

And while those things are great (and they will certainly help), there's one more very important aspect of flexibility: color choice. It's not enough for your logo design just to use bright colors or muted hues; it needs to work in both black-and-white and color versions!

Look to your surroundings.

When you’re choosing a logo for your ice cream shop, take into account all of the elements above. Think about what your brand stands for and how you want to be perceived by others. Do you want to be whimsical? Serious? Modern? Vintage?

When deciding on an icon or symbol for your company, think about what would resonate with both kids and adults. Kids love anything that has to do with ice cream—and they can spot it from a mile away! But, adults are very particular when it comes to their treats—they don’t want something cutesy or childish on their cup or cone. They may not even want any type of icon at all; they like simple designs better than more ornate ones because they don’t take up too much space on packaging material such as cups/cones/boxes etc., allowing them ample room for branding info such as ingredients lists and nutritional information.

There are some signature things that make great ice cream shop logos...

There are some signature things that make great ice cream shop logos.

  • Use a fun font for the logo. It can be handwritten, or have a fun hand-drawn look and feel to it. The font should be legible and attractive, but not too serious looking.
  • Use bright colors in your logo design. Ice cream is all about bright colors! So go ahead, use as many as you like in your design!
  • Include an ice cream cone in your logo design somewhere – whether it's just part of an icon or fully integrated into the overall image of your brand name or slogan will depend on what works best with your unique business identity online today!


Your logo is the first thing people see when they come into your shop. So, it’s important to take time and thought when creating it. If you want to stand out from the crowd, then make sure that your logo conveys all these qualities.