Tips for Getting Discovered on YouTube

The first step to getting discovered on YouTube is creating content that addresses a need in your target audience.

Tips for Getting Discovered on YouTube
Photo by Szabo Viktor / Unsplash

Create Content Strategically

The first step to getting discovered on YouTube is creating content that addresses a need in your target audience. So, who is your target audience? What do they want to learn about? What are their interests and passions? The more specific you can get, the better. Once you have an idea of who they are and what they’re interested in, it’s time to start creating content that speaks directly to them.

What kind of content should you create? It depends on what works best for you as an individual creator.

Some creators do well with tutorial videos while others do better with vlogging or even challenges (like those “try my hair mask” ones).

While the type of video may vary from channel to channel, there are some basic guidelines every creator needs to follow if they want their videos seen by potential viewers.

Use Smart Titles, Descriptions, and Tags

  • Title and Description

The title, description and tags of your video are the most important pieces of metadata you can use to help people find you. The title should be short (less than 5 words), descriptive, and include keywords that describe the content in your video. For example: "How to Get Discovered on YouTube" is a good title because it's concise, descriptive and includes keywords that someone searching for information about getting discovered on YouTube would likely use.

  • Transcripts

A transcript is text version of your video that can be read by screen readers used by those who have difficulty hearing or seeing what’s being said in a video. Transcribing all videos will ensure they meet accessibility standards set forth by Google and YouTube as well as satisfy search engines looking for text-based content to index within their databases which may lead users back toward your channel/channel page if they're interested in learning more from another perspective.

Become a YouTube Partner

To become a YouTube Partner, you'll need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have a channel in good standing that has at least 10,000 public subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time within the last year (these numbers can vary based on your country).
  • You must also have a valid payment method associated with your account—all partners are charged $0.001 per ad view that their content generates. This helps ensure that you receive revenue from all eligible advertising sources.

Promote Your Videos in Other Places

  • Don't be a spammer. You don't want to be that guy who's always posting links to your videos in other places, because that can get annoying and it might even hurt your channel's reputation. If you're going to promote your videos elsewhere, do it sparingly and only when relevant—for example if there's a contest or giveaway related to the topic of one of your videos, mention it on social media. Just make sure that what you're promoting is helpful for people, rather than just self-serving.

Use Annotations to Collect Subscribers

Annotations are a way to add supplementary information to your YouTube video. They can include text, links, and images that appear over the player as the video plays. You can use annotations to direct people to your website or other online properties, provide contact info for users who want more information about you and your work, and give viewers exclusive content that isn't available elsewhere on YouTube (like bonus footage or behind-the-scenes photos), or create a "call-to-action" (CTA) button that prompts users to subscribe if they enjoyed what they saw.

When adding an annotation in YouTube Studio Beta:

  • Click Add Annotation above the editing panel on the right side of the screen; then click Inline Text Box in order to create an annotation containing text only

Check Your Views Regularly

Checking your views regularly will help you see what's working and what isn't. If a video is getting under 100 views, it might be time to rethink your strategy. You should also make sure that you're using all of the tips we covered above to get more views on YouTube!

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Engage With Your Subscribers

The best way to get discovered is to engage with your subscribers. You should interact with other YouTubers and their viewers, respond to comments on your videos, learn from your subscribers' feedback, be authentic and transparent, share videos with friends and family and ask them to share it with their friends and family.

Cross-Promote Your Videos on Social Media

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, so it’s essential to optimize your content for SEO. This means you need to create a title and description that encourages people searching for relevant keywords to click on your video.

You can also cross-promote your videos on social media. You can use hashtags like #youtube or #youtubevideo to drive traffic back to other videos of yours, and then promote those as well!

Ask for Comments and Likes in Video End Slates

  • Ask for Comments and Likes. Video end slates are a great place to ask viewers to do something more than just watch: whether it be leaving a comment, subscribing on YouTube, following you on other social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram, or giving your video a thumbs up (which is not currently possible). You can also use this time to thank the people in your life who support you, such as your friends and family. This will help build relationships with those who watch your videos and make them feel special by letting them know they aren’t just an anonymous viewer—they are someone with whom you have a connection!
  • Share Your Videos Across Social Media Platforms. When sharing links on Facebook and Twitter make sure that the link includes #YouTube at the end so that when people search for related content they'll see yours right away! Make sure all links go directly back into YouTube instead of being redirected somewhere else first because then they won't show up in search results as easily."