Tips for Delegating Work to Graphic Designers

Delegating work to graphic designers is a great way to save time and money.

Tips for Delegating Work to Graphic Designers
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

Delegating work to graphic designers is a great way to save time and money.

Here are some reasons why it's important to delegate work:

  • It gives you more time to focus on other parts of your business.
  • You don't have to worry about whether the graphic designer will do a good job—they already know what they're doing, so they'll get it done right the first time.
  • You don't have to spend money on training someone new or trying out new software packages—your designer already knows what they're doing!

Here are some things that can be delegated:

  • Designing and creating logos and headers for your site.  
  • Creating promotional materials for your business.  
  • Making presentations and infographics for social media marketing campaigns.  
  • Creating logos for products or services offered by your company (for example, if you're an advertising agency).

Know the work you'd like to outsource.

It's important to know what types of work to delegate.

Graphic design is not one-size-fits-all, and you need to be able to identify the different types of graphic designers that exist so that you can find the right one for your business.

If you are looking for a generalist designer, they will be able to handle all aspects of graphic design, including web design, print design, and even animation.

They will also have experience working with clients in your industry or even similar industries.

Generalists are always a good choice if you need someone who can do it all, but they may not have as much experience as other types of designers.

A specialist is someone who specializes in one particular area of design—such as logo design or social media graphics—and knows how that area works better than anyone else does.

Specialists are great if you want someone who can help you get results quickly without needing any hand-holding along the way because they know exactly how their area works and what works best for it on a larger scale than someone who just does everything by default would ever know about any given area of design without having been trained specifically in it before being hired by.

Key things to consider:

  • Be aware of the scope of the work you'd like to outsource.
  • Know what you want to have done.
  • Identify your target audience and the type of designer that will be able to best serve that audience.
  • Understand your own workflow, time frame, and goals for this project.
  • Determine how much time is available for this project and make sure it falls within that range, or discuss adjusting it if necessary (for instance, "I only have two weeks to complete this task"). In addition, know how much money has been allocated toward this project before reaching out to designers so they can understand exactly what they're getting into from their end as well!

Identify the type of designer that you need.

There are many types of graphic designers. If you're hiring a freelancer, he or she will have their own style and be able to focus on your project without the distractions that come from working in an agency environment.

If you opt for an agency, you'll have access to a team of designers with different areas of expertise who can cover everything from brand identity and packaging design to advertising collateral and social media graphics.

Understand your own workflow and timeframe.

  • Understand the time you can dedicate to the project.
  • Understand your own workflow and timeframe.
  • Do you have someone to help you manage the project? If not, what is your preferred method of communication?
  • Do you have time to review and approve that work before it goes live?

Don't use your graphic designer as a crutch.

Don't use your designer as a crutch.

You should have a clear vision of what you want before reaching out to them. They need guidance from you and they can't do the work if they don't know what you want.

You are the one who knows what needs to get done so make sure that all of your ducks are in a row before relying on someone else's expertise and experience with design

Know the type of content you need - is it for print or web?

Delegating a graphic design project is simple, but it's important to know the type of content that you need before delegating a graphic design project.

First off, you need to know what your goal is with this project.

Are you trying to get more traffic to your website? Do you want to save time? Are you looking for an aesthetic upgrade for your brand?

Once you know why you're doing this project, the next step is figuring out what kind of content will help meet those goals. If you want more traffic, then consider using images and videos that are eye-catching and show off your product or service in an attractive way—not just pictures of cats! This will help people see what's so great about what you offer and give them a reason to click on through.

If saving time is important for this project, then consider hiring someone who can create something quickly without sacrificing quality. You would be surprised at how some companies charge less than others even though they have more experience working with clients in similar industries!

Tips when deciding between web or print:

  • It's important to know whether or not your project is meant for print or web.
  • If you're looking for something that can be printed, like a business card or a poster, then you will want the graphic designer to create vector images. Vectors are bitmap images that have been mathematically calculated instead of being made up of pixels. They are scalable, meaning they can be blown up infinitely without losing quality or resolution. Think of an animated GIF as an example of a vector image; it doesn't lose any quality when enlarged but instead simply becomes bigger on your screen and takes longer to load.
  • If you're looking for something intended only for online viewing (like this article), then it will probably need some sort of animation or interactive element added in order to make it interesting and engaging enough for people to click through from their social media feed into the full page site—but if this isn't necessary in order for them get their message across, then don't worry about adding those elements!
  • Be transparent about what you need, and why.
  • If a graphic designer is going to be working from scratch, it's important that they know exactly what their task is. Otherwise, they're just guessing at what the client wants.
  • This sounds obvious, but it's worth mentioning because clients sometimes make decisions without consulting with the person doing the work. As a result of this poor communication, both parties end up frustrated and disappointed. This can happen with many different types of projects—not just graphic design jobs!

Do some legwork before reaching out to your designer.

To maximize the design process and ensure that you're getting exactly what you need, it's important to do some research ahead of time. To start, spend some time understanding your client's needs, including their target audience and the problem that needs solving. This will help inform your next steps: researching competitors' work so that you know what style of design fits best with the brand, or even reading up on relevant industry trends if needed (for example, if working in tech or fashion).

Be ready to communicate with your designer.

Once you've selected a designer, build the foundation for an effective relationship by establishing clear lines of communication. While it's important to be specific in your instructions and expectations, don't feel like you have to hold all the answers yourself; graphic designers are often more than happy to help with even seemingly mundane things like font selection or color palette design.

Be available if necessary: If it's important for your designer to reach out with questions about what you're looking for, make sure that person has access to you—and not just by emailing them whenever they feel like it. If they're not sure how many revisions they'll need before they get something right, let them know ahead of time so they can plan accordingly (and avoid wasting both parties' time on unnecessary rounds).

Then, collaborate with your team and make sure everyone is on the same page before starting the project.

  • Get the team together. Before you start, it's a good idea to get everyone involved in the project together. Talk through what goals there are and how long they have to meet them. Also, make sure that everyone understands their role and responsibilities in this project, and that they're clear on what needs to be done individually, as well as how their work will fit into the larger picture of getting this project completed.
  • Discuss with your designer(s). If you're delegating some responsibility for design work, then it's important that you communicate effectively with your graphic designer(s) throughout the process so that they understand exactly what you need from them at each stage of development.