Branding Strategy: What it is, Why you need it and What Are The Basic Elements of It

Branding impacts your business in so many ways. It gives you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd. It helps you attract your dream clients and customers, and in your case, your dream audience. It helps you achieve your goals faster, easier, and more effectively.

Branding Strategy: What it is, Why you need it and What Are The Basic Elements of It
Photo by Patrik Michalicka / Unsplash

Why do you need branding?

Branding impacts your business in so many ways.

It gives you the opportunity to stand out from the crowd.

It helps you attract your dream clients and customers, and in your case, your dream audience.

It helps you achieve your goals faster, easier, and more effectively.

Your branding is what makes you memorable to potential clients and customers. It creates trust in your brand. It helps convert people into paying clients or customers faster than if you don’t have a strong brand strategy behind it all. It can increase sales, grow your audience, and help with marketing efforts.

What is a brand?

A brand is a promise of an experience. When you hear the name “Nike”, you know what to expect. You think athleticism, sportsmanship, and grit. When you hear “Disney”, you think of family fun, magic, and fairytales.

Branding is the process of building your brand and communicating it to your audience through a combination of words, visuals (logos & colors), sounds (jingles), tastes (food products), or smells (perfumes & candles).

Branding is powerful because as humans we have strong emotional ties to our favorite brands. We choose them over their competitors because they represent something that we want in our lives - again think Nike vs Reebok or Disney vs Universal Studios. In this way, branding can help you stand out from a competitive crowd by telling people why your business matters and why they should care about it.

Build a strong brand.

The best way to make sure that your brand is strong, recognizable, and cohesive is by establishing a branding style guide.

Creating a style guide will help you to:

  • Define your brand’s values and personality.
  • Research your target audience.
  • Create a brand story.
  • Create a brand voice.
  • Create a brand identity.
  • Set brand guidelines so that everyone will be on the same page in the future when talking about your brand or publishing content on your behalf.

Branding is necessary for creators to be successful.

Branding is necessary for creators to be successful.

Why? Because of brand recognition.

Brand recognition is the ability of an audience to recognize your content as yours.

This means that you could have a great logo, website, or social media profile but it won’t do much good if people don’t know who you are and what you are offering them.

Here are 7 reasons why branding is necessary for creators to be successful:

  • It helps you build an audience and establish your authority in your niche.
  • It positions you as a leader in your industry.
  • It builds a community around your brand because people love being part of something they can identify with emotionally (e.g., belonging).
  • It boosts your income by helping customers identify with the values of your brand more easily than those from other companies, leading them to buy more often from yours instead of others.
  • It helps build a business because customers will always associate their experiences with specific brands over time even after discontinuing use due to bad experiences or price changes (think loyalty).
  • Brand recognition gives creators an advantage over competitors who don't have one yet since consumers want information about products before purchasing them -- so get out there today!
  • This promise is the most important part of your branding strategy, so don't make one that you can't keep!

Elements of a brand

Brand personality

Brand personality is another important element of your company’s brand that you should consider while developing your brand. The brand personality is the way your company communicates with consumers.

For example, if you have a friendly, upbeat brand personality, then it would be appropriate to use humor in your messaging.

Likewise, if you have a serious and professional brand personality, it would be more appropriate to use more formal language.

Your company’s chosen personality should match the general personality of your target market.


When you think about a brand, what elements come to mind?

While many people might not have considered it before, design is an integral part of every aspect of a brand. Although the concept of design has been around for centuries, the term “brand design” has become recognized as a way to define what makes a brand recognizable.

Design is the visual representation of your brand's personality. It includes your logo, colors, images, and fonts that you use in all your marketing materials.

Design is more than just making things look pretty; it's also about using visual elements to make messages stand out and convey meaning to customers.

Design is vital to how consumers perceive brands because we often make first impressions without even realizing it.

Simply put: Your brand's designs are what set you apart from everyone else in your market space and help consumers identify with your brand.

Voice and tone

Voice and tone are two of the most important parts of your brand, yet they are often overlooked.

Voice is how you sound to your customers—it is the personality and character of your brand, which should be consistent throughout all communications. It's the overall vibe that you want your brand to give off.

Tone, on the other hand, refers to the attitude or emotion behind a communication. It can be playful, serious, formal or anything in between—depending on what type of message you're delivering and who you're delivering it to. As with voice, it's important for tone to remain consistent throughout all communications; but because there are so many different tones out there (and because we all use them in our everyday lives), it's very easy for this element of a brand to get lost in translation within organizations!


Colors play a huge role in branding. It's one of the first things a customer sees and an important part of how they subliminally remember your brand.

You should choose colors that will make your customers feel something, whether it's calm, happy, excited, or rebellious. You should avoid using too many colors or clashing colors—one to four is great for branding. Check our simple guide to understand contrasting colors in graphic design to understand this further!

If you don't know where to start when choosing your brand's colors, try thinking about what kind of feelings you want your customers to associate with your brand. The feelings you come up with will help point you in the right direction, you can also read our post on complementary colors to help you choose the right colors for your brand.


A brand is a way a company connects with its customers and represents what it stands for. It's a collection of tangible and intangible attributes that make a company unique—the way it looks, feels, and behaves. The brand is the touchpoints your customers have with your business as well as the way you communicate internally to your employees. Ultimately, it's how customers feel about your business.